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Park & Playground Inspection Software with Citizen Engagement Portal

Our software enables local governments to more easily track, improve, and resolve efficiency and risk management issues in their parks and playgrounds.

With one source to log and store all information necessary for park and playground safety inspections, asset management or field crews can expedite the inspection process and ensure no maintenance tasks slip through the cracks.

CityReporter software ensures all record keeping of parks and recreation maintenance is held to a consistent standard regardless of location.

Common Risk Factors In Parks & Playgrounds

  • Trip and fall hazards
  • Snow safety
  • Unsafe play equipment
  • Unsafe surfaces

Less frequently inspected areas like trails, parks, and pathways may have broken glass, fallen trees, or hazards.

City Reporter’s integrated citizen engagement portal allows for citizen concerns or reports for maintenance requests to easily be submitted. There is immediate notification of any repair/work order need with its GPS location. This saves field crews significant time on inspections, maintenance, and repairs.

Easy Reporting 

Using an automated safety inspection software like CityReporter can streamline workflows and make communication easier. Learn more about how we can assist with park & playground safety inspections.

CityReporter Inspection, Management & Workflow Tracking Software is a user-friendly tool that digitizes the inspection process and makes critical information available anywhere, anytime. 

Contact CityReporter today for more information.

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